Wednesday 10 February 2010

Screen Play


MARLOW is just about to leave his house but he is in a bit of a rush because he’s going to a drop off to deliver a certain package to one of his associates. MARLOW has the goods in his left hand and he gets a phone call from the associate asking where he is. TREVOR is watching MARLOW leave his house and notices the goods in his hand he then proceeds with caution.

MARLOW receives a text whilst leaving the house from DONEAO he then walks towards his car and places the bag down to get his car keys out. As he is doing so TREVOR is out of sight but crosses the road and starts walking down the road towards MARLOW. He takes a glance at the bag and nods his head as if he wants it, as MARLOW unlocks the car he places the keys in his pocket TREVOR aggressively pushes MARLOW onto the bonnet of his car grabs the bag and runs off with the goods.

The chase begins MARLOW regains his balance from being pushed on the bonnet and starts the chase unfortunately TREVOR is half way gone down the road but MARLOW continues chasing as soon as TREVOR hit’s the corner he barges passed a pedestrian knocking him into the bushes. MARLOW gives up and goes crazy walking back towards his car he calls DONEAO his associate and tells him what has happened.


“DONEAO! Some punk just robbed me!


“WHAT? Where are you?


“By my house bruv, I swear down we need to get him.”


“Im in my car, im on my way!”

DONEAO is in his car so he searches for him and later TREVOR gets caught. He takes him to an unknown basement where he ties up TREVOR.

Tension building music is played in the background. The Digetic sounds of footsteps are heard as MARLOW slowly walks down the steps assertively of the basement. MARLOW opens the big metal door and closes it then approaches TREVOR slowly as he walks towards him DONEAO is keeping an eye on TREVOR by mocking him and pushing his head. TREVOR is tied up and has a bag over his face which shows how he got kidnapped. MARLOW walks behind the chair TREVOR’S tied to and removes the bag from his head to show who where TREVOR is located.

DONEAO then approaches a stereo to turn up the music so nobody around can hear anything going on, he walks back towards MARLOW bullying TREVOR and before you know you see why you shouldn’t take a bag which doesn’t belong to you. The end is a close up of the bag which got robbed.


Thursday 17 December 2009

Pulp Fiction Opening Sequence

Pulp Fiction Analysis

Pulp Fiction is a 1994 film directed by Quentin Tarantino. The film is comprised of few stories, the stories all mingling together at some points. It takes into account the experiences of a boxer, two hit men, their boss' wife, and a couple robbing a cafe. The opening sequence starts off with a man and woman talking in a cafe, the way the man is sitting seems like he is a laidback easy going type of man, and the woman seems very open to talk about violence which shows she could be a dangerous character. The over shoulder shots show they are a couple the way they converse with each other and show a lot of eye contact show they are close. Then the shot of when the man puts his gun on the table shows the couple are criminals even though the conversation between the two is about scaring people and not actually killing those shows the irony between their attitude and the gun. There are a lot of over the shoulder shots which help the audience understand the characters by the reactions and expressions on their faces.

The Godfather Opening Sequence